【介紹】Peg-Perego Buggy Set Book S Modular Set XL

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Peg-Perego Buggy Set Book S Modular Set XL 顏色: Jet_Gestell · 設計式樣: Geo Red · 2018

While being well-equipped with the trendy and stylish Peg-Perego Buggy Set Book S Modular Set XL parents to-be will enjoy convenient handling and maximum comfort.

Items deliver活動商品介紹ed:

  • Peg-Perego Book S Pushchair
  • Peg-Perego Navetta XL Carrycot
  • Peg-Perego Infant Car Seat Primo Viaggio SL
  • Peg-Perego Changing Bag Borsa
The Peg-Perego Book S stands out as the premium type amongst all Peg-Pergo strollers. The buggy scores with its trendy central faux-leather handle, which is easy to grip. The premium Soft-Ride air chamber wheels provide a smooth ride on any terrain and make pushing and manoeuvring the pushchair super easy. Whatever the terrain, the comfortable Peg-Perego Book S won't let you down. The lockable swivel front wheels contribute to the Book S' manoeuvrability. Narrow passageways in the shopping centre are no longer a problem for you. Depending on the surface you are driving on, you can easily lock or release the front wheels by using the lever attached to the chassis. The trendy fabrics are resilient and can be wiped clean without any effort - you can choose between four adorable designs.

精選特賣With the robust Peg-Perego Navetta XL carrycot you can transform the Book S into a cosy retreat that is suitable right from birth. The ventilation system is built in the bottom and can be adjusted form the outer side of the carrycot - this way, it supplies your little one with the perfect climate at all times. The recline angle熱賣商品優惠網站 of both backrest and footrest can be adapted to the needs of your little sunshine. The protective blanket can be detached and is perfect for being used as a warming blanket for the legs later on in the pushchair.

The pushchair's seat unit accompanies your little one from 6 months of age right until toddlerhood. In order to help him or her to get in and out of the pushchair easily you can either open the swivel front bar to one side or fully detach it. The padded five-point harness protects your little one securely. Does your little explorer feel safest when he is facing you? No problem, since the seat unit can be reversed easily. The adjustable backrest and footrest add to even more seating comfort. The large canopy with an additional sun shade provide optimum protection in sun and wind.

The Peg-Perego Book S can also be transformed into a travel system. The Peg-Perego Infant Car Seat Primo Viaggio SL included in delivery provides protection and safety while traveling by car and can be attached to the chassis of the Book S with only one click. Everyday life with a baby has never been that easy! An adjustable Side Impact Protection System ensures maximum safety while your baby is traveling in the cosy infant car seat. The headrest can be adjusted in five different height levels and thus adapts perfectly to the size of your child. When combined with the Isofix-Base (not included in delivery!) a strong and stable connection with the body of your vehicle is created. A soft padded three-point harness as well as an anatomically shaped seat insert give some extra safety and comfort for the smallest among us.

Another useful accessory for everyday life with a baby is the Peg-Perego changing bag Borsa. It scores with a trendy design that matches the pushchair and buggy as well as huge space to store necessary items. The inner surface is coated with synthetic material and can be cleaned easily in a hygienic way. Several internal and external pockets and compartments provide enough space to store baby's essentials. Adjustable shoulder straps ensure individual fit. Due to built-in carabiner hooks, you can easily attach the changing bag to your Book S' push bar.

評價最新Details Book S:

  • 4 designs - resilient fabrics that can be wiped clean easily
  • Design-chassis either in Jet or White
  • Rear wheels with telescopic suspension, front wheels with central lock, Soft-Ride air chamber wheels (Front wheel Ø 18 cm/ rear wheel Ø 26 cm)
  • 省錢方法省錢妙招
  • Parking brake on rear wheels
  • Extra-high, adjustable push bar (78 to 109 cm), faux-leather handle
  • Reversible seat unit
  • Canopy with sun shade, viewing panel
  • 2019熱銷商品特賣
  • Five-point harness, 4-fold adjustable backrest, 3-fold adjustable footrest
  • Incl. rain cover
  • Size unfolded: 94 x 59 x 106 cm; size folded: 85 x 59 x 35 cm
  • Weight: 8 kg
  • Made in Italy
Details Carrycot Navetta XL:

  • Comfortable, shockproof carrycot with large lying surface (73 x 32 cm)
  • Recline angle of backrest and footrest can be adjusted from the outer side of the carrycot
  • Slider on the bottom side for inside air circulation; adjustable from the outer side
  • Removable blanket with windshield that can be folded up
  • Foldout support feet so that it can be used as a small bed or rocking bassinet
  • detachable cover, washable by hand at 30°C
  • lowerable carrying handle
  • Made in Italy
Details Infant Car Seat Primo Viaggio SL:

  • Group 0+ (0 to 13 kg)
  • Conforms to the norm ECE R44/04
  • Light in weight: 3,8 kg
  • Attachment to car by using safety belt or Isofix-Base (not included in delivery)
  • Side impact protection system can be adjusted in 5 different levels; maximum protection guaranteed
  • Three-point harness; quick-to-fasten belt system
  • 比價
  • Incl. seat insert
  • Adjustable canopy with UV-protection 50+
  • detachable cover, washable by hand at 30°C
  • Made in Italy
Details Changing Bag Borsa:

  • Modular system matching colour3C那買最划算
  • Inner surface coated with synthetic material, easy and hygienic cleaning
  • Detachable padded changing mat, 60 x 44 cm
  • Several internal and external pockets and compartments
  • Carabiner hooks for attaching to buggy's push bar
  • 人氣產品2019流行商品
  • Length-adjustable shoulder strap
  • Made in Italy




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【介紹】Peg-Perego Buggy Set Book S Modular Set XL
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 史上4件殘忍動物實驗 兔眼插針製化妝品

醫學或科學上使用人體做實驗總被批殘忍,但動物就可以拿來做實驗嗎?為了確保化妝品安全不刺激,1944年德萊茲測試(Draize test)將睫毛膏擦在不會分泌淚水的白兔眼睛上1000遍,直到兔子眼睛發炎、潰爛、失明甚至死亡。而歷史上還有四件最殘酷的「動物實驗」,都犧牲動物生命換來人類文明。

1. 歷史上著名犬隻活體實驗─棕狗事件(Brown dog affair)



2. 長達17年的貓咪性能力實驗

1960年科學家為了測試貓咪性能力,切除貓大腦的某部分,破壞嗅覺能力,或是切除貓性器神經,破壞觸覺神經等,都是為了知道牠們是否還有騎乘行為(Mounting behavior),但殘忍的17年實驗下來,寫出的21篇論文幾乎都沒有一篇被引用到科學期刊上。

3. 藏45年的太空狗死亡事件


4. 精神異常的猴子腦神經實驗


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